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    Bravo Team Member list

    Srinath TPD
    Srinath TPD

    Posts : 14
    Join date : 2014-04-30
    Age : 27

    Bravo Team Member list Empty Bravo Team Member list

    Post  Srinath TPD 02/05/14, 02:26 am

    Welcome Guys! You are the proud member of the Bravo Team. your help will be needed, when the alpha team cant manage on their own. I hope you have chosen it by yourself,

    but to be a part of this team, requires a member to be able to send support within two to three days. So when a fight seems to be large, the bravo team will be called in. This group will be the majority of the fighting force, A large strong army

    The members are advised to be familiar with the tactics, their name, so that it is easier to give commands in times of need.


      Current date/time is 29/06/24, 11:27 pm