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    Balancing troops

    Srinath TPD
    Srinath TPD

    Posts : 14
    Join date : 2014-04-30
    Age : 27

    Balancing troops Empty Balancing troops

    Post  Srinath TPD 02/05/14, 09:13 am

    lets do the same with this navy build.(updated to new version)****(2nd update after testing)***
    Lets take a look at an army build.

    2000 hoplites
    1200 swords
    200 carabineers
    30 battering rams
    30 catapults
    60 mortars
    200 gyros
    200 balloons
    50 cooks
    50 doctors

    if you took this army and had 10 players with the same we now have amassed

    20k hops
    12k swords
    2k carabineers
    300 battering rams
    300 catapults
    600 mortars
    2k gyros
    2k balloons
    500 cooks
    500 doctors

    lets take a look at a hall of fame cr....

    ................................ - Slinger...............37(-0)....
    Swordsman............444(-8887). - Swordsman...........8190(-8832).
    Hoplite..............832(-7218). - Hoplite.............5071(-14248)
    Sulphur Carabineer..1041(-2833). - Sulphur Carabineer..3282(-75)...
    Mortar...............411(-94)... - Mortar................74(-126)..
    Catapult..............78(-2).... - Catapult.............362(-116)..
    Battering ram..........0(-42)... - Battering ram........290(-252)..
    Steam Giant..........594(-1660). - Steam Giant.........1619(-65)...
    Balloon-Bombardier...149(-705).. - Balloon-Bombardier.....0(-815)..
    Cook.................823(-0).... - Cook.................701(-0)....
    Doctor...............242(-0).... - Doctor...............259(-0)....
    Gyrocopter..........1357(-782).. - Gyrocopter...........364(-1135).
    ................................ - Archer................71(-68)...
    Spearmen...............0(-5413). - Spearmen............2102(-1482).
    Generals.................-54,806 - Generals.................-46,091
    Offensive Points.......115,227.5 - Defensive Points.........137,015
    Damage Received........2,740,330 - Damage Received........2,304,555
    Damage Recvd. Ratio........1.189 - Damage Recvd. Ratio........1.000

    there were 16 players on the defending side.
    This battle would have been lost, but our 10 players would have contended much better than this attacker did in the battle based on balance alone.

    200 ram ships***
    200 PWR
    50 mortar ships
    20 diving boats***
    50 rocket ships***
    40 carriers
    60 speed boats
    30 tenders

    x10 players=

    2000 rams
    2000 PWR
    500 mortars
    200 diving boats
    500 rocket ships
    400 carriers
    600 speed boats
    300 tenders

    here is a hall of fame cr...

    Ram-Ship...............0(-1170). - Ram-Ship.............394(-1050).
    Ballista ship........131(-0).... - Ballista ship........133(-0)....
    Flame-thrower..........7(-937).. - Flame-thrower........135(-1819).
    Catapult Ship........112(-431).. - Catapult Ship........556(-13)...
    Steam Ram............513(-576).. - Steam Ram............108(-385)..
    Mortar Ship..........178(-1).... - Mortar Ship..........282(-0)....
    Diving boat..........334(-307).. - Diving boat.........1147(-10)...
    Rocket Ship...........16(-76)... - Rocket Ship...........88(-2)....
    Paddle Speedboat.......0(-169).. - Paddle Speedboat.....789(-0)....
    Balloon Carrier........0(-32)... - Balloon Carrier......113(-28)...
    Tender................75(-0).... - Tender...............112(-0)....
    Generals.................-38,571 - Generals.................-26,893
    Damage Received........1,928,560 - Damage Received........1,344,650

    in this case our navies would have been victorious, as our balance is much better.

    Thanks to Varnus for providing information and helping us to know the tactic.

      Current date/time is 28/09/24, 04:23 am